Perhaps you know that many people want to buy human hair to display their classiness and uniqueness to the whole world, but not all these people are familiar with closures. Isn’t it? Well, it is. If you are among these people, then this blog post is for you, so, keep on reading because you have a depth guide here on how to sew in a lace closure in a comfortably and continently way:
You can install lace closure by bonding or by attaching with clips. However, the most common method for establishing a frontal lace closure is by sewing down behind the frontal and using a bonding agent to glue the front hairline down. The leftover weave is then installed around the frontal to give its user an enthralling look.
Besides, you can fully clip in the frontal lace closure or fully sewn-in. And then, the remaining weave is installed around the lace frontal.
Not like a closure, none of your strands will be count-out in a bonded lace frontal closure installation as the piece is intended to create a natural hairline. If the closure is fully clipped or sewn, some of the users’ hairline could be count-out, and the part installed just at the back of the hairline.
Step by Step Guide For Sewing Lace Frontal Closure

STEP 1: Grounding, what I mean by grounding, is preparation. Get an invisible needle and thread and let it look like the thread is no more there. And secondly, get the threaded needle lying next to the spool.
STEP 2: Sew-in, you can braid the hair in a similar format from front to back. Afterward, you can place the weave on the head and feel out the braids and unit around the head. Always ensure you line the hair up where you want it to be correct. You can use hairpins to pin it in place. After that, start to sew right beyond the temples, down and around to the other side. In addition to that, it is somewhat essential to take the needle under the braid that way it forces the lace to lay down flat.
STEP 3: Here is the final product. After you finished sewing, you can flip up the edges and apply your adhesive.
Why Do You Need Sew in Closures?
You may be wondering or asking yourself that “do I need to sew-in closure?” Well, it is yes because sew in closures seems more natural and feels more like your real hair. Besides, it secures on your head for a while.
Other benefits of having sew-in closures include:
Usually, Sew-in closures are the cheapest and safest option. In most cases, it is much affordable than different types of wigs and weaves installs out there since it is a long term choice.
With this unique hair product, you can experiment and style your hair weave in different ways you like. For instance, curly one day, straight the next save your hard-earned money on perms and chemicals and don’t damage your real hair.
Any sew-ins done by professional in the field protects your hair because it gets needed rest to blossom healthier. Protect your God-given hair from the elements while the hair extension soaks up daily wear and tear.
It can damage your hairline a little bit if you don’t become aware of how to apply and remove frontal lace adhesives.
Sew in closures looks more divine, and it feels more like your natural hair. You can have it on your head, and you will realize that it can secure your head for a more extended period without looking complicated on your head.
How many bundles needed with a closure?

You need two bundles if you get 8 – 14 inches, but if it is anywhere from 16 – 20 or 22 inches, three packages will be sufficient, and anything above that, you will have to opt for four bundles.
If you are opting for long hair, you need to be somewhat careful about the hair packages amount, some people might think that they will get three bundles of 24,” and that will be okay.
How many bundles do you need with a frontal?
This question is common among people in the beauty and fashion world. These people wanted to know the exact bundles they will need with a frontal. However, a frontal is from ear to ear. 13*4 lace frontal covers more spaces left out or closure, so the hair volume you need will differ.
If you plan to get a 10 – 18 inches or 16 inches, you will need two bundle deals. Hair length that is above 16 or 18 inches, it is the best you get three bundles, so from 16 inches, 18 inches, to about 22 inches, 24 inches, three packages will be more than enough.
For instance, if you are going to get a frontal and the most extended bundles you have is 24inches, you can purchase a frontal, and 20 inches, 22 inches 24 inches bundles, and that should be perfect for a frontal sew in.
Besides, Luvs Hair has lace front closures with our Remy closures. Presently, any customers who come to us will always get the most natural look using a lace front closure. This lace front from Luvs Hair gives its users an illusion of hair growing from the scalp. This piece can be attached by sewing, bonding, and clips. That is, the buyer or stylist should make a choice.
Perhaps you are wondering whether you should use a closure or not, but “the ball is in your court” so it depends on what appearance you are trying to get. Is a closure needed for a full sewn-in weave? Absolute No, but commonly a closure is applied with a full sewn if you don’t want any hair out; that will give you the most naturally looking style. Another great thing about closures is that it can be used to create bangs.
After understanding this article, then do it appropriately now! Visit us today to find the best Lace Frontal Closure for you!